Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How Different Types Of Golf Cart Are Used In Industry

By Gary Evans

There are many reasons why such a large number of people enjoy golfing. The game can be played by just about anybody, regardless of age and gender. It combines a high degree of social interaction with healthy exercise. It is perhaps the only sport where players referee themselves. Most players are fussy about their equipment and clothing. The ultimate accessory would surely be ownership of one of the various types of golf cart.

These vehicles are not always a mere luxury. Many players are no longer able to navigate a course on foot. This may be due to age or disabilities. In many other cases, busy people have limited time to enjoy their favorite sport and they would not be able to complete a game unless they can move fairly quickly around the course. In this way these vehicles allow many people to continue enjoying the game.

The most popular models are electric vehicles. These models use rechargeable batteries to power the electric motor. The batteries are charge by simply plugging the unit into a standard electrical outlet. Fully charged batteries can provide power for many hours. Some models feature solar panels that are able to charge the batteries while the little vehicle is in use.

Another option is gasoline driven models. These vehicles typically feature small engines. They differ from ordinary cars. With a normal gas driven vehicle, the engine runs from the moment the car is started until the ignition is switched off. With these vehicles, however, the engine comes to life only when the gas pedal is activated. They can be noisy.

These vehicles are not always used for their original purpose, however and they have found applications in other areas. Security companies are particularly fond of them. Guards are able to patrol relatively large areas quietly. Many estates employ this type of transport for patrolling purposes. In some cases, vehicles are adapted to carry additional equipment.

Many businesses also find them useful for transportation purposes. Large factories, for example, often require supervisors and management to travel a considerable distance every day. Doing this on foot is often counterproductive. These quiet little vehicles are ideal to provide transport in such circumstances. They are economical and they do not need any special skills to operate.

It is interesting to note that the various types of golf carts have found applications far removed from the game. In fact, more of these little vehicles are sold for purposes other than transport on a course. They are versatile, economical and easy to maintain. In most cases, they are environmentally friendly.

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