Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Best Golf Clubs For Beginners Available Online

By Carl Hartley

As with any sport, playing good golf is an acquired skill. That means a person starts out knowing very little about the game and has to learn the rules as well as have equipment that feels comfortable while playing. This means finding the very best golf clubs for beginners.

No matter how well you enjoy the game, after the first round or so, it is not a good idea to immediately purchase expensive models. Using golf course rental units or borrowing some gives you a chance to get the feel of the club and your control over it. After awhile you will realize exactly the kind of tools you need for your particular playing skills.

Beginner level models are especially designed to allow you to develop your skills at a leisurely pace. Their weight and construction takes into account the techniques needed to develop into a good player. Expensive club sets, on the other hand, are designed for people who have perfected the game.

Some beginner golfers are very young. For these players there are special models that are geared to their height and weight. These, of course, have to be replaced as he or she gets older.

There are a number of common mistakes that are encountered by a beginner. Among others, there is a difficulty with the swing. This is considered when developing these special units, which are designed to assist you in eliminating this handicap. The manufacturer is especially careful to distribute the weight of the club to coincide with the type of play that it is used for. This allows for a perfect follow-through when teeing off or in other areas of the game.

Going online it is possible to find a number of excellent Wood/Iron sets that are especially made for new players. Fifteen pieces, with four covers for club heads and a bag, are advertised by a well known company. The driver has a genuine graphite shaft and the rest of the set is of high-quality stainless steel.

Another company offers steel irons, club heads of steel and titanium with graphite shafts for the woods. You will also find a Wood/Irons Set which has a driver and woods that are made of titanium composite, irons that are cast and a hybrid made of titanium and aluminum. The club shafts are composted of graphite and temper steel. These are just a few of the excellent brands available to choose from.

While learning the ins and outs of the game the pleasure of playing can be obtained by using golf clubs for beginners. In addition, many players entering the sport for the first time find online tutorials and off-line instruction helpful. Many of the online sites are free and there are, as a rule, professionals at golf courses who offer individual or group instruction. The online programs ordinarily have a video that can be followed along with other important tips to hone one's skills. Buying golf clubs online is easy and relatively inexpensive. As you become proficient in the game you can move on to more advanced sets.

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