Thursday, November 25, 2010

Taking a golf holiday? Have you thought about playing in America or Europe?

By Lex Cornwall

When most people think of a holiday in Las Vegas golfis the furthest thing from their mind. More famed for its bright lights and nightlife rather than its fairways and bunkers, Nevada probably doesn't come top of too many golfers' wish lists. Well perhaps it should.

America is home to some of the most well known courses in the world, many of which have been made famous through their hosting of some the world's most prestigious golfing tournaments including the Ryder Cup. So if you want to tread in the now rather infamous footsteps of one Mr T Woods, the golfing resorts of Augusta, Sawgrass (with its legendary 17th hole), Pebble Beach and Shinnecock Hills are all waiting to welcome you.

Alternatively, if you want to combine some traditional tourist sightseeing with your golfing break, Florida, known as the Sunshine State (and for good reason) is home to a wealth of courses including Palm Beach and Kissimmee. There are even a number of courses which combine to make up part of Walt Disney World, making Florida an ideal location for both golfing and family holidays.

Yet wherever you choose to base yourself in America, you will never be more than a short journey from lush fairways and manicured greens. All inclusive packages are available from numerous tour operators and golfing holiday specialists, many of which include green fees and offer the chance to try a range of courses across different States.

And yes, even if you're visiting high rolling Las Vegas golf will never be far from your reach, with a host of courses within a few square miles. Well, you're going to need something to while away those daytime hours!

Thanks to the popularity - or possibly notoriety - of golfers such as Tiger Woods and the US PGA tour, America is undoubtedly synonymous with some of the best know courses in the world - Sawgrass, Palm Springs, Augusta and Pebble Beach. Without doubt, Florida is the region blessed with the most courses and the perfect climate but you will find golf resorts littered right across the USA - perhaps even in some areas you never expected.

Whilst you may automatically think bright lights and big money when you think of Las Vegas golf is also hugely popular in Nevada, an ideal pastime to while away the daytime hours before looking for a different slice of luck along the Strip.

Whilst these areas may be among some of the most popular, it's worth remembering that Europe has much more to offer in terms of golfing holidays. Germany has more golf clubs than Spain and Portugal, as does Sweden. So wherever you choose to play your Golf Franceor any of its neighbours, you can be sure of spectacular scenery and a wealth of choice.

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