Monday, February 21, 2011

Fashion on the Tennis Court

By Bernie Montague

Fashion on the tennis court has changed over the last century. Tennis players have been setting trends in tennis fashion since the late 1800s, and it continues to be featured in magazines. Tennis fans are eager to copy their favourite players' attire, and as a result, the fashion world is now bursting with sports brands and labels that design tennis clothing.

A main feature of the clothes tennis players wear is the colour; white. People often think is an odd colour choice, as white gets dirty very easily and the sport can get quite mucky if the weather is bad. However, white has been the colour associated with tennis for centuries. Although the design of tennis clothing changed over the course of time, the colour white has remained.

The world of tennis today has changed from the tennis fashion that was popular centuries ago. Women tennis players used to wear white skirts that went down to the floor and had a matching white top. In the late 1880s, women used to dress more formally. Women wear tennis clothing that gives them more freedom to move nowadays.

Looking back to the 1500s, the tennis fashion for men has developed in a similar way to how women's tennis fashion has developed. The first known tennis wear dates back to centuries ago, and was made up of stockings teamed with long shorts that were puffed out. Later on in the 1900s, the fashion trends in tennis changed for men. As a result of the weather conditions, men went from wearing trousers to shorts; this gave men more freedom to move when playing.

Tennis fashion remains popular today. Designers such as Stella McCartney have designed clothing especially for tennis players in time for the Wimbledon tournaments that take place each summer. The changes in tennis fashion over time are dramatic and it will be interesting to see how the fashion in the world of tennis continues to adapt in years to come.

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