Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stay In A UK Holiday Lodge

By Adriana Noton

A lodge holiday deep in a rural setting is a great means of escape from the stress of working life, both for the whole family (along with pets) or for a romantically inclined couple seeking some serenity. The United Kingdom is a great country to choose for a lodge holiday.

The most common type of holiday lodge is a log cabin-type building somewhere in the countryside. The countryside in Britain is never too far sway from an urban centre by car, providing the holiday with flexibility. Sampling rural charms can be doubled up with trips to the town, where there is often a historical or cultural attraction to visit.

The UK has some of the most beautiful countryside in Europe, couple with significant historical and cultural sites, such as Hadrian's Wall, or the various historical monuments in York. Travellers to Britain can be staying in a cabin in the wild beauty of the Yorkshire Moors, close to a stunning Welsh beach or on the shores of a loch in a pine-clustered Scottish mountain valley. Great cities such as Cardiff, Birmingham and London are never too far away, while the famous British seaside is never more than a few hours drive away from almost anywhere in the country.

There are a whole host of regions which suit outdoor activities in Britain, whether it be the thrills of white-water rafting, hiking, cycling or something more sedate like golf, there are plenty of places in the UK to do it. A lodge holiday provides the kind of flexibility a traveller needs to truly experience the great outdoors.

For the more social traveller, some lodges are clustered together in parks, or holiday villages, meaning that a sense of community and social living can be experienced for those who want to enjoy such things. Some of these parks are often located adjacent to specific kinds of leisure facilities, such as fishing lakes. Some are also located in parts of Britain's varied and interesting woodland habitats.

Travellers retain their sense of independence and autonomy on a lodge holiday; no one is telling anyone to get back on the bus or when to eat, and this allows the tourist to settle properly into enjoying the attractive rural setting and ease away the stress of the working year. Being able to choose what to do and when is a great advantage to staying in this kind of housing.

A lodge break will also often have the added bonus of being dog-friendly, meaning that pets can be taken on holiday and enjoy the break too. Obviously, this varies from provider to provider, and travellers with pets should always check before booking. There will often be an additional charge for any animals, but this is not normally too prohibitive.

Some examples of this type of accommodation also have additional holiday facilities such as saunas, barbecues or outdoor hot tubs, adding a touch of homespun luxury to a vacation. With the UK offering some of the finest places to enjoy on so many different levels in Europe, it is well worth taking a holiday in one of its lodges, and making memories of its rural charms.

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