Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Golf Schools Speed up Learning

By Dave Cahill

Feedback is essential for learning a new golf skill. A single less infrequently results in permanent change; it may identify swing problems and solutions but without additional on going feedback little improvement takes place. Expert instructors providing regular feedback enhances skill building and confident golfers.

Cahill Golf Schools at the Cimarron Golf Resort in Palm Springs Ca conducted an informal experiment on the effects of feedback. Students were taught a new skill. After instruction each student was able to accurately demonstrate and verbally describe the new skill. Students then independently practiced the skill until they were certain it was being performed correctly. High speed video recorded students performing the motion. No a single student performed the motion correctly. Subsequent instruction utilizing interactive video feedback and consistent verbal feedback resulted in each student mastering the skill. Providing specific skill related feed back speeds up the learning process, as shown by numerous research studies.

Training aids offer limited benefits as a source of feedback. Research has shown that over time students learning a new skill with a training aid compared to students learning without a training aid learn at the same rate. Studies do show that using training aid during the initial presentation of a physical skill speeds up learning. For example the initial use of auditory feedback to alert golfers of a correct position is helpful. But, continued use of the training aid beyond the initial presentation provided no benefit.

Two companies have recently introduced auditory feed back devices for learning. They are Kvest and Advanced Motion Measuremnt. Each has developed wireless biofeedback sensors. Scientific research has not been performed using these specific devices as they relate to golf. Exisitng motor skills research would indicate that initial skill learnig may be ehanced using these tools.

Expert instructors understand the importance of frequent ongoing feedback. Students goals can be achieved by an expert instructor who takes advantage of ongoing frequent feedback. The expert golf instructor accurately identifies the students starting point, demonstrates and describes, encourages, consistently assesses and provides feedback.

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