Friday, October 15, 2010

Can A Golf Swing Be As Good As The Pros?

By Max Best

Golf is always changing. From one hole to the next your game and your golf swing can change so dramatically that you want to go crazy. This can make you feel like a horrible golfer when one day you are making par and the next you cannot seem to find it. What causes this vast difference of play and outcome?

The quest is always to have a better swing and to find the aspects you need to change to do this. Many individuals have found their way and now play every day and get paid on the pro golf circuit. So how can you do the same thing they did?

The truth is that even the pros have bad days. Tiger Woods, as good as golfer as he is, has days where he is frustrated and discouraged at his play. It happens to everyone who plays this game. But that is because golf is more than just your muscles moving, it comes from trusting yourself and your instincts.

Playing a game or sport means you are involved in many different ways. There are the body movements, of course. But there is also the mind giving you the positive or negative words. And there is also what is called the heart, that is the instinct where you let go and let yourself be the best you can be.

In the movie, The Legend of Bagger Vance, the main character is a great golfer who has lost his edge. His muscles still remember how to play. But he is not listening to his heart, but more his mind. Where the body was willing for him to be good, he could not find his heart to play the game. It was not until he gave up trying so hard and just let himself remember how it felt to be good and to hit well that he got great again.

With golf this battle occurs every time you step out on the green to tee off. You are challenged at every turn with water hazards, twists and turns on the fairways, and sand traps just waiting to grab your ball away from you. No wonder this game is hard on every level of your being.

Heart is not going to win everything for you. You have to master the swing of golf and that takes you doing some work. Your swing is indicative to how your will do in the overall scoring. Therefore seeing can be believing. Take an opportunity to video tape your swing and see if there are things you are doing that you did not even know you were. Once you see the changes that need to be made it is easier to address them.

Then find someone that you know and trust to help you. This will probably be a pro, but it could be a consummate golfer that you admire and want to mentor you. Find someone that plays the game the way you want to play. Then learn by watching them play. How do they swing? How do they set up a shot? Where is their mind when they play?

Lastly, is the most important aspect of finding a strong golf swing, practice. Take balls on the range and start listening to the body, mind and your heart. See what works, feels right, and how you respond when you hit a good one. This will do more for you swing and your game than anything else you can do.

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