Thursday, October 14, 2010

Methods For Improving That Horrid Golf Swing

By Virgina Turner

While there are some that joke about golf being "a good walk spoiled" for others it is the game to end all games. Golf is a favorite sport renowned the world over. Gold was first discovered in the UK but quickly became popular in just about every country. Even kids play golf. If you're a fan of the game then you are probably always on the lookout for ways to improve your golf swing. You might even find professionals looking for improvement techniques. We will talk about a few of the best ways to do this here in this article.

Resist the urge to instinctively "flip" your wrist. Your ball will stay on target and your slice will be reduces if you accomplish this. It also puts the maximum strength behind the point of contact so that the ball will go farther.

You want your left knee to be out toward your target during your back swing. This will cause you to feel some muscle tension and increase you sense of stability in both knees. Doing this gets you into a proper stance and reduces the body turn many golfers experience during follow through. This will show you how your left knee needs to be pointed and the type of tension and strength that you will need to draw upon.

Your right hand needs to now be in the hitchhiker position for back swings. Another good thing to remember during your back swing is that your left hand should be in the "handshake" position. Stretched our palm in toward the right hand. This will help you improve your golf swing from the back swing all the way through your follow through.

Getting your golf swing under control really isn't any worse than practicing core balance techniques including posture. Your ball will fly farther and your accuracy will be better. Many people think that improving one's golf swing is difficult. The reality of it is, it's really nothing more than practice. Keep trying you will soon see the benefits of your efforts.

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