Wednesday, November 16, 2011

These Are My Favorite Funny Golf T-Shirts!

By Roger Mills

Remember way back in the day when golf was exclusively for the rich and privileged? Isn't that hilarious? I know more guys who make $25 grand a year who play golf now than I ever knew of rich folks in private clubs. I'm not sure when the transition happened and when the average Joe took over the game from the snobby rich, but I'm happy that it happened. I've been a devoted golfer for years, and I'm finally glad to have people to play with! I'm also glad that dress codes aren't so important anymore, because I love to wear my funny golf t-shirts.

The first, and probably my favorite, of my funny golf t-shirts is my "Golf Hero" shirt done in the style of the "Guitar Hero" logo. "Guitar Hero" is super popular, and I must say that I'm pretty good at it. Not nearly as good as I am at golf, though. When I wear my "Golf Hero" shirt to the course, people take notice and dig it a lot. I've had so many people ask me where I got it, but I'm not telling. I'm not trying to start a trend!

My second favorite shirt says "I cleaned my balls for this?" It features a picture of two golf balls, all shiny and clean. I have actually been asked to turn my shirt inside out at a course. I was a bit drunk and yelled, "You got something against funny golf t-shirts?" I complied, but I had the whole clubhouse laughing about it as I headed to the bathroom. Every other course I've been to hasn't been so uptight.

The other funny golf t-shirts that I love are my two that say "I love big putts, and I cannot lie." That's right, I have two of them. So nice I had to have it twice. One in green and one in navy, so that I can wear them no matter what else I'm wearing. I may be a middle-class slob, but I still like to look nice on the course.

For me, the days of maintaining my handicap are long past me. Now, I play this game as it was meant to be played: for fun. I wear my funny golf t-shirts, I drink my beers, and I hit some long drives on the green. There nothing better than a Sunday spent playing through 18 holes with a couple of my friends. Golf isn't what it used to be...and for that, I am eternally grateful.

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