Sunday, November 20, 2011

Perfect Your Talents Through Golf Tips

By Marcus Dodd

Anyone who has ever played a game of golf knows that having the correct swing makes all the difference. The best way to make sure that you play a good game is to practice the basic components of the swing. There are several golf tips available that review the elements of the swing. The tips also include help with backswings and downswings, in addition to position of the ball.

Key pointers for improving your swing always involve the position of the ball and correct posture. Practicing swing tips regularly will help you improve your game significantly, and give you more confidence.

When you have the ball positioned right and you hit with a downward swing, you will be able to hit crisp iron shots. Your posture is very important as is where the ball is positioned. For shorter irons, the ball should be at the center of the stance. If you are using a mid iron, move it one ball forward from the center posture. You will move it two up for a fairway club, and three when you use a driver.

When you get your posture down, practice your downswing and backswing. When you use a backswing, your body, arms, and club will rotate back in unison. At the same time, you will shift your weight to your back leg. As your wrist are coming up at waist level, pivot them. The leading arm is straight when you are reaching the peak of the swing, and the bulk of your weight will shift to your back leg. Keep your knee bent, your hips at a thirty to forty five degree angel, and your shoulders rotated at 90 degrees.

When you are practicing your downswing, shift your weight to the front leg. Your shoulders, hips, and arms will follow the weight shift. Be sure to keep your head behind the ball when you hit it. There are some tips on checking your posture to make sure that you have the right movement.

You have a correct golf swing if your belt buckle is facing the target when you are finished. Also, you must have ninety percent of your body weight is on your front leg, your back foot is on its toes, and your club is pointed at your target.

Following these few golf tips will help improve your game. However, you need to dedicate time to practice to sharpen your skills. Understanding and practicing the elements of your swing will help you gain confidence when you are out on the course.

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