Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to Prepare for Your Next Golf Outing or Vacation

By Dennis Duncan

How to Prepare for Your Next Golf Outing or Vacation

Planning your next golf trip requires a lot of effort. There are many aspects to consider depending on how far you are going to be traveling. Many people make poor choices with regards to hotel and lodging. Oftentimes, a rental on a golf home is readily available to golf enthusiasts but they don't realize it.

It is important to get excited about the trip. We all love to golf right? Well, most of us do. Every time I plan a golf trip I can't taper my enthusiasm. My girl friend thinks I am crazy to get so excited to plan a golf trip. But, I love her anyway.

When I am planning my trip I always include my brother Charles and his friend Mike. We always have a hoot together. Plus, our wives get along. So, while we are on the links they are out shopping so it is a win win for all of us. Nothing like keeping the family happy right?

How can you choose a golfing location that fits your needs? Well, it really depends on how much time you have allocated for your golf vacation. I usually choose a location within a 3-4 hour drive. We typically don't fly so that we can afford more rounds of golf and the wives can go shop with a little extra money in their pocket. So, everyone wins.

Deciding where to stay is probably the most important aspect of your whole trip. Back in the day when we first started going on golf outings we stayed at a nice hotel or resort. Now we opt to rent a home on or near the course. Typically, we will get a 5-6 bedroom house and everyone will stay there. My brother even bought one of the homes we stayed in on one of our outings. Being on or near the greens is a good feeling. Plus, some late night beer drinking and driving on the range never hurts either.

Prices on golf homes? Well, with the economy tanking like it is most who purchased a golf home in southern california are feeling the pinch of the economy. We've seen home prices for golf homes in Southern California come down to an all time low. So, some great deals can be found with a little bit of research.

Getting a golf trip together is a bit difficult until you get your system down. And, after 10 years of planning these trips, I've got it down now. Like I mentioned before we prefer to stay on the courses now. Renting a golf home is far more desirable for us. However, your budget may not allow that so if you are a little low on funds then you may just decide to stay at a hotel near the course.

To get more exciting tips on golf, golf products and to learn more about Golf Homes in Southern California you can visit our site

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