Saturday, March 26, 2011

Learning How To Swing A Golf Club

By Ricardo L. Osterhout

Fixing a golf swing slice is rather hard even for the experienced golfers. People always tell this and that and try to help but sometimes it just doesn't work that way because there are things that work for one person and yet it doesn't work for another. So, instead of following conflicting advice from different people, step up and look for yourself.

Instead of watching other people play, comparing yourself and pointing out things that you think is wrong with how you play, why don't you just watch your own play instead? Film yourself or ask someone to film you. That way, you can easily observe all of your moves and take note of the things that might affect your play in a bad way.

Observe yourself more, follow the correct move, and keep this in your mind while you are playing the game. Know the art of moving and swaying when you are hitting the target.

Observe your stance first. Follow the appropriate position so that it wouldn't be too stiff when you swing. If your stance is awkward, not only you are jeopardizing the game but asking for an injury as well. The shoulders must be aligned with the ball. The right foot must be pointed straight while the left foot must be pointed slightly to the left. Take note of the distance of yourself and the target as well. It wouldn't do you any good if you're too near or too far.

The posture and balance can really affect the outcome of the game. A proper stance can lower the scores and the golf swing will affect how well the game goes. If it is too stiff or awkward, the game will surely be off.

Bear in mind to k keep your eyes in your target. How you can accomplish proper way of backswing and downswing must also take into consideration to keep the game running. Another thing is the how you position your elbows. This will surely affect the game. There is a position called "flying right elbow" where the elbow looks like its flying when doing the swing. There is also another position called "chicken wing" where the left elbow is not aligning with the other elbow.

Trying to fix your slice can be taxing at times. Attempting different techniques to patch it up and then nothing happens. So, remember to be patient and put your mind towards improvement. With regular training, you would be surprised what it would do to your skills.

Do not stick to something you know wouldn't work out right when playing the game. If you have to buy a new golf guide to make you feel better, do it now, this might motivate you. Improving with how you do things will always do you good even in playing golf.

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