Friday, March 25, 2011

Fun With Magnetic Golf Ball Markers

By Kenny Johnson

You may question how a person could place a magnetic marker on a golf ball and still have it do what it's supposed to do. How could you attach magnetic golf ball markers to a ball and have it reach the next green? Golf balls aren't magnetic, so it wouldn't stay on, right?

Of course you're right, and the reality is that golf ball markers don't actually attach to the golf ball. People in golfing seem to like naming things for something they don't actually do. Ball markers don't mark balls anymore than a divot tool is used on divots. A golf ball marker is used to take the place of a golfer's ball so it doesn't get in the way of the next player.

If you have ever played miniature golf (and who hasn't?) you know that your buddy's ball often ends up in a bad spot, at least as far you making your shot is concerned. The other ball has managed to be directly in the way of you making it past the windmill blades and through the tunnel.

The same problem crops up at a regular golf course also. Golf balls have a habit of landing in inconvenient places. When you're at the local mini-putt, you just have to try and avoid other balls on the course and do your best to make par.

When playing on actual grass, however, golfers can put something in the grass to indicate where their ball has landed so they can pick it up and get it out of the way of the next player. A lot of players simply use a coin from their pocket to show where X marks the spot, but if you what to have a bit of fun and show some style, you get yourself some markers.

Golf ball markers are generally about the size of a quarter in diameter and roughly the thickness also. That is 24.26mm (0.955 inches) around and 1.75 mm (0.069 inches) thick. You can also find them in smaller sizes and they're made of metal or plastic. The main qualification is that they are thin, visible in the grass and won't impede the movement of a golf ball passing over it.

These useful little discs can be carried in your pocket or a pouch attached to a golf bag. Magnetic markers are also available with a clip that can be attached to a hat or anything else that will accommodate it. The clip slips onto the brim of a hat and the magnetic marker attaches to it, making them easily removed and replaced. Magnetic markers are also available with a divot tool that is made with spot on the handle to accommodate a marker. This is pretty handy because you get two useful devices together.

If you're into sports teams, brand name logos, military insignias, cute animals, or crowns with Swarovski crystals there will be magnetic golf ball markers in a style you'll like. And if by some chance you can't find any you like, you can always place a custom order. There are numerous shops that offer the service and you can get ball markers that are distinctly you.

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