Friday, December 3, 2010

A Few Thoughts On Golfers Elbow

By George Dillard

When elbow pain is a concern the term Golfers Elbow may come up. This term can be easy to ignore if you do not play sports, especially golf. However, since there are many other possible causes of such pain it must be considered a serious possibility in these cases.

Any activity that involves repetitive motion may be a culprit. Some examples might be exercise or long stints in front of a computer. For some, these activities are necessary at work and so can be the cause of some huge problems. Not working is not always an option, so you cannot ignore the pain.

It is a form of tendinitis that involves inflammation of soft tissue. It is not very different from Tennis Elbow except that the tenderness occurs on the inside of the elbow instead of the outside. The similarities can make it hard to self diagnose the specific problem. For this reason, it is necessary to see a doctor in order to determine the cause of your pain.

There are only a few symptoms. Lifting, grasping or flexing the wrist often causes more pain. When you open doors, for example, it might hurt. It can also be hard to extend your arm fully. You can suffer from it for anywhere from a few weeks to many years but on average it lasts six to twelve weeks. Regardless, it is important to know how to treat it.

Resting the arm is considered the best cure, but is not always easily done if you make a living doing the task that causes the discomfort. Stretching and massaging the area, when done gently, can help as well. Immediate relief can be found from pain killers that have anti-inflammatory. Drugs with ibuprofen are often recommended for this reason.

If you want to avoid taking a pill, there are newer options that require you to put a cream over the area that is in pain. These topical options reduce inflammation by soaking into the skin and into the problem area. The option that you choose has to be right for you and should always be after talking to a doctor.

Do not be fooled once the initial pain subsides. The elbow pain can return so precautions need to be taken to avoid this. Continuing to do stretches and massaging the area may be enough. It is important to keep from repeating pain-causing motions without any breaks. You do not want to be away from work for any longer than you have to be.

Upon the return of elbow pain, ice the area and return to the doctor if necessary. Golfers Elbow can be easier to deal with if you have done so already, but you have to know the best way to attack it. Rest may be enough, but oral medicine and topical cream are always options. In order to avoid reoccurring pain and the extra costs associated with it, know what is best for you and deal with it immediately.

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