Monday, October 11, 2010

Lower Your Golf Scores With The Correct Set-Up

By James Maxwell

The following golf instruction tips will help you with your overall swing. If you are not in the correct position at address, you will more than likely hit a inferior shot.

Many golfers overlook this fact when trying to correct a swing concern. Your address, is fundamental to your success as a golfer, and should not be ignored.It is one of the most crucial golf instruction tips you should follow.

When you address the ball properly you allow yourself to be able to coil and uncoil, due to the fact that you are more balanced. When you begin and end your swing in balance, you will be able to produce more power. More power equals longer shot.

So, how do you know if your set-up is correct? The next important golf instruction tip is stance width.You will learn the proper set-up in the next few paragraphs. Your stance should be 2" wider than your shoulders, when hitting your driver or long irons. For mid irons your feet should be shoulder width apart. For short irons you want to narrow your stance a couple of inches than shoulder width apart. Although these are great tips, all golfers are not equal, you should use these as a place to start. You may need to modify your stance slightly to get the proper feel.

You should angle your lead foot about 45 degrees toward what you are aiming at. This will permit your shoulders and hips to fully turn. Your lag foot needs to be straight to the target. With your knees flexed, You should bend slightly from the waist. If done correctly, your shoulders and arms will form a triangle, and your elbows should point at your hips.

When lining up to your target, be certain your shoulders and hips are square to the target. By doing this, you will have the best odds of hitting your target area.

Poor ball placement in your stance, can lead to poor shots. Ball position will be different, due to the different shaft lengths. The longer the clubs, the farther forward the ball will go in your stance.

When you are using the driver, position the ball forward 3 ball widths in your stance.

The ball should be positioned 2 ball widths forward in your stance, when using your fairway woods and long irons.

When using your middle irons you should place the ball 2" forward in your stance.

The ball should be position in the middle of your stance when using your short irons or wedges.

You can adjust these ball placement suggestions to your liking. determining the ball positions that work for you, may take some time and practice. The key here is to find what will work best for you.

You need to make sure your weight on the balls of your feet, not your heels. To stay balanced during your swing, you need to stay off of your heels. You need to be balanced throughout your swing to strike the ball firmly and drive it in the direction and distance you are striving for.

If you have perfected this golf instruction tips, your swing will start to come together and your scores will begin show it. You can work with the golf pro at your local golf shop, to improve your stance. To get in the correct stance, you can have someone film you to see where improvements can be made.

See you on the golf course!

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