Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Helpful Hints For Improving Golf Swings

By Allison Scarborough

All golfers dream and work on improving their golf swings. Suspend any disbelief because this very article can offer you something good in that department. We'll be discussing some excellent tips for improving your golf swing, and you can go out right away and put it to the test. After you learn the following, then you have to do your part and devote as much practice a your significant other will allow. You simply must practice because one thing you will be doing is creating strong muscle memories. Even if you have no intention of going pro, part of the fun of playing the game is knowing that you are doing the best you can throughout the entire game.

Hit harder into the wind. Right? No, wrong - that is a total myth. One result of hitting hard into the wind is you'll cause spin and the ball will lift higher. So what actually suffers, in addition to your mental state, is the ball will be harder to control; plus your accuracy will go down the drain. Instead, move the ball backwards into your stance by a few inches. Keep your hands forward of you. Finally, your choice of club; use one that is longer than that which you would normally be using. Then just hit the ball like normal without hitting harder. Again, practice that and you'll see better results with more control plus accuracy improvements.

When you hit the ball, you want to hit it down and through. The lift of the club will do the work of getting the ball aloft. One fallacy and big mistake is thinking you have to make the ball rise with a purposeful up swinging motion. That is not how it works - never. Hitting with the fabled upswing can produce a hit that rises, but there's no power and it won't go far... kinda sucks, really. Have you ever seen the ball go straight up and down? Right.

Swing easier when it's windy. If you try to swing too hard when it is windy out you will sacrifice accuracy and trajectory. Remember what Greg Norman said, "swing easy into the breezy." We do understand that it can be intuitive to think you need more power when hitting into the breezy. Remember: not everything can be solved with force. When you swing easier, you'll find that your control is much better. So watch that wind and don't be fooled.

There are so many different strategies with golf. The most important thing you need to do is remember that you need to have fun while you play. Do the best you can always, and keep working to improve your swing and your game. All golfers naturally want to make their swing much better. But come on, you know these are solid tips for improving your golf swing - they really are! These hints can help you as well as help you educate the people you play with!

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