Thursday, October 21, 2010

Free Golf Swing Video

By Larry Holmes

It seems that we always talk about how there is "no such thing as a free lunch". The fact is that when it comes to golf instruction, this could not be further from the true. There isn't anything out there that can help you as much as your teacher and your golf swing drills, but there is a lot of free information online that can help you help yourself.

There are plenty of sites, mostly those from the top world organizations, which offer free golf swing videos of the pros and instructors right on their site. By using this free resource, you can even perform your own sing analysis. Sound complicated? Just be creative.

Watch Video Relating to Your Instructions

After a golf lesson, head to one of the golf sites and locate a free golf swing video that highlights something you discovered at your lesson. Watch the video and learn what it looks like when done correctly. That way, you know how it should feel from your lesson and how it should look from the video.

See Your Own Swing

Next, either video tape your swing, or in the absence of video capabilities, watch yourself take a few swings in a mirror. Compare what you are doing to the video to do your own little amateur swing analysis. Then, next lesson you have, you could talk with your tutor about your swing adn what you witnessed on the free golf swing video you took from online.

Using Other Video Resources

The free golf swing videoes aren't the only clips that are useful on the web. You will also find that you can get a visual on what a particular drill should look like, what the roll of a proper putt looks like, and even what the best equipment is. The internet is a great resource for your game; don't be afraid to use it.

The one complication with free online videos is the fact that they're ordinarily big so they take a long time to download. Also some sites offer golf video clips that are either of poor visual quality or poor technical quality.

You definitely must always review a site in order to discover if their video tips are done by experts or just weekend warriors, the last thing you want is to spend ages downloading a 5 minute video only to find it was made on a handy cam by some guys who have only been playing golf for a couple of weeks.

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