Friday, December 16, 2011

How Golf Tips Can Ruin Your Swing

By Wade Pearse

There's online golf help and there's, well, real online golf help. More "tips" and swing fixes aren't always all they're cracked up to be. A buddy of mine spoke to me about some advice he got about his golf swing and he shared it with me.

He heard a well know pro talk of driver distance and consistency. This pro was asked what was it that made him one of the all time best all around drivers of the golf ball in the history of the game? Well, this is what he announced.

He talked about the arms and the V shape between the shoulders and the hands. If you hold the driver and see a V forming from your chest and down your arms to your hands. That is the golden triangle. He targeted on keeping his arms connected and maintaining that vital (he felt anyway) V shape throughout the swing.

The Person Behind the Idea

Ok, now who did he hear about this from? It was Greg Norman. This online golf help was something awfully helpful and practical. I gave it a go myself and have since integrated it into my swing with amazing results. Now I will admit this alone did not make the shift for me.

Like most things in golf you change one thing and 2 others change! You know what I mean!? With some proprietary techniques know as Repelling Magnetism (yes, you read that right) that I learned from my partner Garin Bader, I added 20 yards to my drives. When you learn this process you may have something nobody now uses in the golfing world.

The Golf Swing Made Simple

Utilising the online golf help I got from my pal about Greg's system actually helped me add incredible consistency to my driving. But I am a skeptic about all of the online golfing stuff that is littered around assorted internet sites. It confuses me in the way that one individual says this is most critical and the another person says a different aspect of the swing is most critical, and so on.

I am a big believer in simplicity. Anything that pointlessly complicates things I toss aside, no matter how promising it seems on the surface. If you covet simplicity and rock solid effectiveness then use Greg's golf swing tip and incorporate some cutting edge, absolutely easy and unique processes at Effortless Power Golf. Your game and your mind will both expand.

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