Monday, December 26, 2011

Best Golf Clubs and Golf Equipment

By Jake Houston

This publication is for the golfer who enjoys on course camaraderie, wants to enhance his game, although not willing or able to dedicate the necessary practice time. He can get terribly frustrated on the course and occasionally threatens to quit the game.

I am actually describing myself here and the situation escalated last August, 2011, at which time I quit golf after playing the game for over 35 years. I made the statement to my golf buddies after yet another unhappy day on the golf course.

For the following three weeks I did not want to play, watch, or think about golf. I felt a void but my everyday disposition improved to where members of my very own family basically told me I was more pleasing to be around. I was happy with my decision, although I was beginning to miss the game and the fun we had on the course.

The following week, my buddies completely set me up into taking a golf lesson from a professional. I reluctantly took the lesson. Within 30 minutes the pro had meflushing more pure shots than I had the prior three years on the golf course. It was nice to know I was still capable of hitting good golf shots. However, it was also crystal clear I had to discover a more permanent golf attitude adjustment.

Here is the bottom line of what I learned and what I acted on:

- I have too many responsibilities off the golf course so my practice habits will not change.
- I'm learning how to live my life in the moment rather than the past. This definitely helps in golf.
- My "new" clubs are giving me growing confidence and my scores are getting better consistently.

New best clubs: Today, pricing for everything is very competitive, including golf clubs. Golf outlets will let you play rounds of golf with any demo clubs you would like. I made use of this and within 2 short weeks I absolutely knew what driver, sand wedge, putter, hybrid club, and irons were best for my game. I then set out to find the best price on each club, the majority of which I found on the Internet.

Jake is back with a new attitude, "new" clubs, renewed confidence, and having fun again on the golf course!

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