Saturday, September 17, 2011

Systems in Controling your Golf Swing

By Andrew Jacobs

For hundreds of years, many have claimed to have discovered the "secret of golf". A number of these claims are based upon intensive research; others are simply sales pitches to entice the hapless, novice golfer into buying books, tapes or golf practice equipment. The question for many golfers has often been "is there a secret to golf?" The answer to this question is a qualified; "maybe". The game of golf has 2 very interrelated, critical pieces, each of which are necessary to improving and playing well. These are the biomechanics of the golf swing and the mental sides of playing the game.

The great golf legend, Ben Hogan was once asked; "What is the key to golf." Mr. Hogan replied: "The secret is in the dirt". He meant, naturally, that hard work on the golfing practice range is where one can improve and perfect technique so as to hit the ball well and score low.

His answer addresses the biomechanics of the golf swing; studying how to swing the club correctly. Another golf great, Arnold Palmer once announced "90% of golf is played from the shoulders up", suggesting that one has to use clear thinking to play the game well. This, of course addresses the mental sides of the game.

Combining both correct biomechanics and mental approaches to the game makes provision for a controlled golf swing. There are numerous swing techniques one can successfully employ to properly strike a golf ball. The one common denominator all of them use is balance.

Watch any professional golfer and while you'll see many different types of swings, but they all swing in balance, very like a gymnast or dancer. It is the most vital biomechanical element of the swing. If you can learn a well balanced golf swing, you can learn how to hit the ball well. A good mental approach simply needs the power to concentrate and not to attempt golfing shots you physically can't hit.

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