Friday, September 16, 2011

4 easy steps to an improved golf swing

By Alex Kelly

What if I told you that you might improve your golf swing by just lying down and relaxing? Do you think you would believe me? Most golfers would be doubtful of such an idea but you can actually do exactly that. While most athletes realize the importance of physical practice in improving at their sport, many overlook, or are unaware of, the significance their mind plays in how they perform.

Mental golf, as the name implies, refers to the impact your mind has on how you perform on the course. Pro golfers have known for years that your mind controls how well you play. Tiger Woods would frequently talk of how he thought his way around the golf course making reference to both his strategic planning for attacking each hole and the mental methods he uses on the course help him perform at his best.

Any golfer will gain an advantage from mental golf techniques and notwithstanding what you may be thinking it isn't hard to incorporate them into your game. Try this exercise to improve your swing. It is best done when you're relaxed as your subconscious will be more open to suggestion.

1. Lie in a position you find comfy and relaxing and take a few slow, deep breaths in thru your nose, holding them for a moment and then breathing out thru your mouth. Permit your eyes to close if you want.

2. Imagine you are on the golf course standing at the first tee in your favourite golf shirt. Feel the warm breeze blowing gently in your face and the sun warming your body. Hear the sounds around you - birds singing, the wind in the trees, or voices of other golfers.

3. Feel the club in your hands. See yourself adopting the proper position and addressing the ball perfectly. As you begin your swing, see yourself hold perfect form thru your entire swing until you make contact with the ball. Hear the familiar sound of the club making solid contact with the ball as you watch yourself follow through.

4. Watch the ball fly through the air and land exactly where you wanted it go. Hear the applause and congratulations of your fellow golfers. Take in another 1 or 2 long, slow, deep breaths and grin as you bask in the feelings of your successful shot.

By repeating this straightforward process each night for one week or so, when you get to the course you will most likely be surprised at how much your golf swing has improved. Try it and see for yourself. Fore!

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