Wednesday, September 7, 2011

3 Suggestions to Quickly Develop Your Tennis Game

By Kevin Doherty

Most tennis players never really reach their actual potential in competitive match play. These 3 tips should help you quickly overcome any inadequacies so you can discover just how good you may be at tennis.

1. Visualize a positive outcome-- Before you play your match, consciously target all your strengths as a tennis player. Truly permit into your consciousness how good you are at specific facets of the game. Now, whatever perceived faults you have, visualise these deficiencies also as strengths. Tennis is a particularly psychological game. The reason why so many players never reach their potential is often because they're holding onto negative or limiting thoughts about their capabilities. By concentrating on your strengths and then visualizing that every aspect of your game is thriving, you'll be far ahead of most of the competition who are still stuck in negative self-talk.

2. Concentrate on having fun-- It sounds so simple, but have you ever noticed that your game is at its best when your having the most fun? Contrarily, you might also notice that when you're actually concentrated on the score and on winning, your game tightens up and everything becomes more heavy. You're playing to have a good time, right? So don't forget to enjoy the game even in the most fiercely competitive moments. Instead of admonishing yourself for missing shots, create a quality of curiosity around each part of your game. Ask yourself how you may have improved a shot you missed rather than screaming at yourself.

3. When it doubt, become more aggressive-- During tight circumstances, the instincual reaction is to tighten up and play more conservatively. This often leads to more unforced errors. By swinging more powerfully through the ball, you'll likely notice that you are gaining the upper hand and putting more stress on your opponent. Your tennis fundamentals will improve by playing freely rather than more conservatively.

These 3 tips are particularly critical when it comes to competitive match play. Remember, most of the game is mental, and if you've got the right mind-set, you can beat lots of players who still fight with these sides of the game.

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