Thursday, March 24, 2011

Playing Better Golf - Advice For Women

By Sue Hamrick

It doesn't matter what your playing level is or your duration of playing time, golf is one of those games that you always want to make better. However, sometimes it is difficult to do so. This is especially when you don't understand why you are not improving, even if you are practicing for hours and hours every week. Below, you will see easy to use advice that will have a good affect on your golf game.

Even though getting your golf game better is a good thing, it is important that you understand what needs to be improved. There are maybe some areas that you think you are performing well, but others need a lot of work. Therefore, the first step is to know your own golf game really well. You need to critique certain parts of your game, determine if you like them, such as pitching or short irons. You then have to go over your list again and select the ones that have the lowest scores. These are the areas that you have to focus on. It might actually be a good idea to take a few lessons with a professional. He might be able to fix other bad habits that you were not aware of.

A lot of women find it hard to play golf on a regular basis. This is because they have other prior commitments such as work, children and taking care of their home. This results in their joints being very stiff. They are not as accommodating as they used to be, especially if they stay away from the game for a while. As soon as they return to the golf course, they realize that they are in a lot of pain. However, this can be avoided with a little flexibility and strength training. Flexibility will help you be accurate as well as shoot far distances. It is advised that you stretch at least twice a day so that you will not be stiff and in pain associated with golfing. Strength training is also very important for hitting long distances and should be done at least once daily.

If you can enhance the distance of your swing, you will really make your golf game much better. Generally, improving distance is a direct result of generating more power in a shot. This is why female golfers have to understand that a majority of the swing's power comes from the central part of the body and not the arms. So, in order to produce more power in your swing, you have to put your full body into it. If you can make a good turn on impact, then you have a good chance of hitting that ball a really good distance. Of course, you can also increase your strength with exercises tailored specifically for golfers, but that will take time. However, you should not sidestep this because it can provide advantages in other parts of your life too.

Sometimes, playing a better golf game is about being objective and identifying your strengths and weaknesses. If you can be honest with yourself, you will then know what areas need more work and focus on them. Although you will not see results immediately, this method will really make your golf game much better.

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