Friday, March 18, 2011

Learn How To Play Better Golf - Helpful tips To Better Your Golf Swing

By Jim Masters

If you need to learn how to play better golf, learning how to improve your golf swing can be one of the most tricky and complicated things you do.It's because there are so many muscles and areas of the body at work. Consider a complex machine that does a certain task. The more moving parts there are with the device the more probable it's going to break down and need minor and major adjustments done to it.

The exact same applies to your golf swing. There are so many actions and factors involved; something is certain to go wrong. Just as the individual who fixes the mechanism has to figure out what part of the mechanism needs fixed, if you wish to learn how to play better golf; improve your golf swing! It's that easy and when it goes wrong you're going to need to know what went wrong.

Here are a few tips to help out:

Learn How To Play Better Golf - Tip 1 - Get Back To The Basics

When you initially started learning the way to golf as a beginner, you probably were very careful and thought of each and every step of what you had to do when you would swing the golf club. You had to do that because it wasn't second nature to you, it was new. As time went on, you perhaps got more lax in concentrating on every individual part of the movement.

Furthermore, when you were new you built bad habits into your golf swing, they're now ingrained into your muscle memory. If you wish to improve your golf swing, you should begin breaking down each part and actually focus on what you are doing as you do it. Hopefully you are able to distinguish what you are doing wrong.

The naked eye isn't very good for catching each nuance of a complex movement. This is why it is so crucial for just about any golfer who is sincere about wanting to improve to film record their golf swing. As a result of viewing yourself and having the ability to slow down the tape down you should be able to spot your weaknesses and be able to drastically improve your golf swing.

Learn How To Play Better Golf - Tip 2 - Work On Your Pre-Swing Mechanics

If you really focus on your pre-swing mechanics you may also be able to drastically improve your golf swing.

This is a checklist of what to concentrate on:

A) Make sure that your head position is good.

B) Be sure the body is squared up properly.

C) Make sure that the ball is placed in the proper location.

D) Make sure to have your weight distributed where it is supposed to be.

E) Have the right stance.

F) Check to be sure your grip is good.

G) Make certain your wrists are positioned properly through the swing.

H) Be sure to get the full range of motion throughout your swing.

By making sure that you're concentrating on all aspects of the pre-swing and the actual swing, you will definitely be able to learn how to play better golf and improve your golf swing.

This would result in better rounds of golf. It goes without saying, better rounds of golf means a greater enjoyment of the overall game as you're at the course.

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