Sunday, March 6, 2011

I really want to share the best golf tip I could ever pass on.

By Stevie Gratham

My favourite hobby is golf. I have been playing golf for over fifteen years now and I am always on the look out to find ways that can help me improve my game. I have tried various methods and spent a lot of time and money trying to improve my golf game. I have found that many products do not help at all. But I must say this simple guide I came across has had such a great impact on me and my golfing buddies.

It was a miserable wet day and there was only a handful of other golfers on the course other besides me and my golf friend. Normally on a wet day I would be half way around the golf course before I start to relax. But that day was so different every shot was solid from the first tee. I was able to to hit the ball far and straight on every shot it was unbelievable.

I wound up shooting 80 and the only reason that I was that high, was club selection between my sand and pitching wedge. I was getting so much action on my sand wedge that 3 times I hit the front of the green and it sucked right back off the green. I was amazed that has never occurred before ever.

The icing on the cake was when my golfing partner, asked me what I'd changed. I gave him a brief lesson and within two holes he was hitting them as far and as straight as never before. I can honestly say this is by far the best product I have come across in twenty years of playing the game. It really had an amazing impact on my game. Now if it works for my wife, this will have been the best investment ever.

I have been recommending the simple solution to all my golf friends ever since. It is the cheapest and easiest way to improve your golfing game.

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