Saturday, March 26, 2011

Guildelines To Enhance Your Golf Swings

By David Y. Richardson

Some rules will have to be followed to get a learning golf swing. It is necessary that the club must be considered as an extended part of the arm, perfecting balance and rhythm. If the club does not really match up with the body, you have little chance of succeeding the way you would like to.

Right preparation is the basic step before starting the golf swing. Stance is important. Body balance and rhythm should come next to the correct stance. This should be followed by the upper body rotating relative to the lower body and next important thing is alignment of the body. For controlling the speed of the swing, you should be able to determine the swing plane properly.

Distributing body weight evenly between the feet, while standing, will help in creating a proper balance. You need to take care to ensure that you do not over swing. An over swing results the balance being upset and as a consequence you will over shoot the mark and your shot will lose its effectiveness.

Some people have a feeling that swing can be learnt in different ways. They suggest by performing the swing more slowly there will be greater control and rhythm. However, the swing should have sufficient power for the ball to travel at great speed towards the target.

This method sounds easier than in reality. To be successful in this method physical training and mental visualization will be of use. Physical training is done in a gym for getting core stability.

It is not necessary that a golf swing has to be practiced on the golf course. Gadgets have been devised to practice in the home or an indoor facility. They are all over the world, especially in colder cities.

Over gripping has a bad effect on the swing. There are other things also. The perfect swing should start from the feet and move upwards, with the shoulders moving last during the swing down. Swing from the shoulders towards the feet is far from perfect, and is in fact the wrong way to do it.

It should not be forgotten that there are personal styles for all golf players. Irrespective of the method employed in training, the personal style will always be conspicuous.

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