Thursday, March 24, 2011

Get a Golf Ball Fitting - Improve Your Handicap

By Tina Taylor

Probably the most important piece of equipment in your bag is the golf ball. But the way that today's market is flooded with so many choices of golf ball means that it's nearly impossible to try each one in the hopes of finding the one that is right for you. If you want to cut a few strokes off your golf game without changing much else, one of the smartest things you can do is visit your local golf shop and have them do a custom golf ball fitting for you.

Without having to change a thing in your golf swing, using the correct ball will allow you to score better. This exercise can be extremely eye-opening to you if you are not an established tour player with access to sophisticated equipment. As an amateur you will likely have never seen measured data that represents your swing.

You begin by taking your own club (usually your Driver) to your local golf store, where they will set you up on one of their golf simulators. You'll take a series of practice swings while the technician monitors your action. After each of your shots the simulator gives data for the speed of the golf ball, the angle of elevation, distance, and more.

The simulator technician will ask you about the parts of your game that you'd like to improve. Is it overall distance you want to improve? Carry distance? Spin around the greens? Even what price range you are looking for. Once your base figures have been established the technician will then bring you a variety of balls from your price ranges that are designed to improve the things you're looking for. Without needing to go to the golf course, you'll try these brands of golf ball, striking each one a number of times while the simulator monitors your performance with each one.

At this time you have a technician will have a look at the information and you should be able to see which brands and type of golf ball will most suit your swing velocity and action. A typical of player will probably see an increase in distance of maybe 3 to 5 m. At this distance will be gained without any change in your golf swing.

As long as you work with a technician who knows what they're doing, you'll find that this improvement will be experienced with every one of the clubs you have in your bag. A smart technician will be able to tailor your new ball to your handicap and your style of golf play. You'll be able to make an informed choice when deciding what type of ball to buy, and have the data in your hands to back up your choice.

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