Sunday, February 20, 2011

Three Approaches to Assist On-the-Go Women at Perfecting Their Golf Game

By Lou Klose

Whether you have recently begun playing golf or have done so for a few years, you more than likely want to progress with your game. While there is an abundance of information accessible all over online about how to get better at your golf game, the massive amounts can be overpowering, leading you to believe that you need a 36-hour day just to be capable of managing your responsibilities and advancing your game. Here are three hints which will aid you in developing your game, even if you don't have the amount of time you'd like for committing to your preferred game.

Most women have one main issue to worry about when playing against men and that is their confidence levels. This happens often because women feel inferior as far as strength goes when compared to men. Many women also think the men they are playing with are secretly criticizing them behind their backs even when they aren't. The major issue here is that if you allow your confidence to waiver you are setting yourself up to fail. It's more important to concentrate on improving your technique and accuracy more so than your strength. Women often don't realize how much they can excel despite their lack of strength just by becoming more accurate don't let your confidence decrease you are capable of playing as well as a man.

A everyday problem for women golfers is their grip. A good grip is very important for playing a quality game of golf. This is because it makes sure that you have control over the golf club. Good control describes your shots that will be accurate and longer in distance. However, plenty of women will relax their grip at the beginning of the swing and re grip the golf club during the downswing in a quick manner. The flaw with this method is that it has a bad effect on the distance and the control. One way to solve this problem is to practice your swing with your left hand only. This will make you put a firm grip on your club or it will go flying away. If you constantly practice, you will realize that gripping the ball turns into second nature on your part.

Great golfers are set apart because they've learned to control their emotions and reactions to their play. Women are often more easily led by emotion than men. The problem that many women face is that they don't shake off one bad stroke so they just keep making more on top of it because they are playing rattled. The thing that most women do is rush into the next shot and this leads to an even worse shot the next time around because they failed to properly set the shot up. Deep breathing in order to properly focus on the task at hand is a good move to make at a time like this. There is no one who plays the game of golf that doesn't make mistakes; learning to deal with those mistakes is what makes some golfers great. Keep your thoughts calm and turn your mind to the ball to determine where it is now and where you'd like it to be once you've made your stroke. Leave the past in the past and you will find that your game improves significantly.

As you can see, it takes a lot of things to become a good golfer. However, the good thing is that anybody can make their game batter and make the professionals sweat. All you have to have is devotion to the game, a lot of effort, persistence and you will soon be a top pro.

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