Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Improve Your Putting Skills

By Paul Monahan

Putting is undeniably a very significant part of Golf. Without exact and enough skills in putting, lowering the scores will still be not that easy said and done no matter how far the drive or how good the club is. Putting, as others may see it, will involve a lot of mental skill.

Confidence is an integral part of effective putting. Anyone can't do the jump unless he/she has the confidence to take the risk, right? When there's absence of confidence, it'll result to bad scores and will further mess up the game for the rest of the following holes. Keep in mind that even the "out of the box" putting styles led to victories in major tournaments. Keep in mind though, that even players can use different styles, it is essential that beginners must know the basics and let the confidence build up. After a while, when the confidence has settled down and became natural - the player will be mentally fit and ready.

Practice. Practice makes if not the perfect, but the competitive putt. Improving the putt is obviously a big part of making sure the ball gets to the hole. Every instance that the golf player gets to the green, the goal is obvious - get the ball to the hole. Practicing can be done almost every place that has a good green. If the course, one can have the "feel" of the green by doing practice shots to prevent missing the hole a lot. It's also recommended to practice putts inside 10 feet for a start just to have the ability to gauge the force of the stroke in line with the distance to the hole. Practice can be done in the driving range, a course's practice green, or even a custom-built backyard putting green. Practice, practice and practice.

The overall posture counts very much in putting. As much as possible,an inverted triangle must be done making use of the arms and shoulders. It needs to be similar to the movement of a pendulum. In this way, the stroke will very be consistent and have greater control. The grip ought to be stable, just like the right hand over the left hand. The ball should be towards the heel and parallel to the hole. When doing the putt, usually the professionals or experts aren't looking at the ball, but they're more at focus with the line that the ball will be traveling. Doing the actual stroke, the stronger hand should contribute to 80% of the putting power.

Lastly, learn the art of clearing the mind before going for the putt. The regular golfer may not have an audience as large as that of pros, but there are many of other distractions that may go through the mind. Passersby, viewers, noises, or other golfers may distract golf players. The golfer has to think clearly when going in to the putt. A single mistake, motion, or regard directed at something or someone else will impact the shot tremendously. It's not easy, and it takes a lot of practice. Though a player will have good putting skills, having the ability to concentrate and focus will still be one of the important factors in golf in general.

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