Friday, February 11, 2011

The Golf Drive

By Paul Monahan

Golf, when given a quick glance by the average watcher - will see the game as simple as it gets. One would see it as simply striking a golf ball as nearest as possible to the hole. However, it's not as simple as it gets. Even the professional golfer had to endure months and months of training just to improve even the way they hit the ball.

Just like other forms of physical activity, Golf also needs practice in terms of how a person exactly plays it. It can't be enjoyable when you just yell "FORE!" and hack away and go par. The golf caddy might sleep while you strike all the way to the hole. One of basic one must master - and actually one of the essentially important - the drive.

The drive, as simple as it may seem - isn't just looking good when you strike the golf ball. It's one of the main things concerned in connection with the result of your shot. Here are certain things that a beginner can follow on so he/she can gradually master the game.

The Suitable Golf Club: The key doesn't only lie on the power of the swing, but also on the right club used. No matter how powerful your swing is, it will not lead you good shots if you use the wrong golf club. It will result to air shots, slices, or worse some pulled muscles. It is best to know the right club for the appropriate shots, then the strength of your shot will come next. If you are used to the suitable club and how to use it, you can try elevating your game by delivering stronger strikes.

Eye on the Hole: The player must concentrate on the target. He or she must not look at the sides, left or right. The eyes must be parallel with the target. It will greatly have an effect on the direction of the shot upon impact, therefore a big aid in getting the golf ball as close as possible to the hole.

Keeping the Elbow Attached to the Hip: Having the right arm kept close to the hip ensures that the body will make the arms drive along with the club during impact. This makes the right arm bent, giving power with the position of the body.

Muscle should be Supple and Grip must be Soft: Maintaining a soft but firm grip makes one have a quicker release upon impact. Notice also that after swinging, golfers don't put their arms right away? This is where "leaving the club at the top" comes in. Following your swing, leaving the club at the top can make the trunk and limbs to rotate back before the upper part of the body. In that manner, the feeling of strain won't be felt. This will also make certain that the swings will be effortless after series of practice.

Shorter Backswings: When you swing you club too much, you will lose control. Consistent drives are brought about by the use of proper wrist hinge and full body turns.

Hip Rotation: Aggressive hip rotation can greatly improve higher clubhead speed and distance is improved greatly. This will develop high torque in the body and will be strengthened making the swings stronger and farther.

The Spine Tilt: Tilting the spine - tilting it away from the target - enables one to sweep up on the ball. Sweeping the ball up creates distance, and this is a common issue for amateurs. They seem to keep their bodies straight or on a reverse spine, so the ball loses height and distance.

The Foot Anchor: Using one of the feet as the anchor will make one hit longer. The anchor foot is the foot the golfer swings away from and towards the ball. It also stops the golfer from going early on the downswing which prevents the decrease of distance.

Positioning of the Hips and Shoulders: In order to make a drive solid, it will greatly depend on how the golfer maintains the backswing side motionless, as possible. This keeps the shoulders and hips on a level alignment at the same time make a solid rotation of the body.

The Baseball Swing: Indeed, baseball also involves swinging similar to golf. Practice swinging on a waist-level by imagining as if the pitcher threw the ball on a lower level. Feel the swing as if the club strike the golf ball and whips upon impact. In that way, you can have an existing level of strength and speed on the swing. This will surely translate to additional yards!

The Arms: It's a given fact that it's always the trunk that has been the focus of golf swings, but don't forget the arms. Keeping it fit and well-conditioned for the swing will make one's golf swings like clockwork.

Minimizing Spin: When off the drive, a spinning ball will not go that far. Using a higher tee than normal, getting rid of downward action and remaining behind the ball will prevent this from happening.

Getting Fit: Nothing is better than being fit for any sport. Keeping the body in good condition will build more strength, especially in the swings and drives.

Golfing isn't simple. It calls for discipline and having a good drive will make certain that one should be able to sink the hole. It requires a great deal of practice. Bring out the Tiger Woods in you!

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