Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Best Skills - Improve Your Golf Game With Calmness

By Gretchen Robertvine

Improve Your Golf Game with the ancient art of Zen. This is a way to remain calm and find inner peace that will give you the focus that you need to improve your scores. It is a tried and true method and has worked for many golfers for decades. Numerous golfers will take advantage of only the improved concentration, some others will blend this together with various other approaches such as a deep penetrating massage with a thumper massager or with a qualified meditation treatment method.

Zen and the sport was introduced around 1980. Golfers were looking for new ways to beat the new and harder courses and they were not finding it with conventional teachings. It was an elderly Zen Master that first showed Arnold Palmer the mysteries of Zen and golf.

Zen teaches ways of making the mind calm. This method gave golfers a way to study their techniques while in a very calm state. They could view their swing and make corrections after the review. It also gave golfers a way to enjoy the game from a different perspective. This perspective brought a new understanding of the game.

Many golfers have found this technique to work. It forces them to consider every slight movement that is made in the swing and in the contact. As one reviews their moves as they are happening, it shows them the error in any calculation or performance.

There are still classes that offer this technique to new golfers. They are fewer and far between, but some old masters are willing to teach these techniques. Many different schools of thought on golf training exist, but the most widely known for many years was this technique.

Zen and sports have appeared in many books and television programs. While there is not as big a following as there use to be, there are still some websites available to give tips on how to use the philosophy to develop stronger skills in sports. Though it is still around, it has changed in many ways from its early days.

Meditation gardens were also implemented. Some courses still have the original meditation gardens that were built for famous golfers that followed the philosophy. The gardens were meeting areas where many of the golfers would kick off their shoes and meditate before their eighteen holes.

If you want to Improve your golf game then keep your mind open to different techniques. It does not have to be a philosophy, but different instructors will have different ways of teaching and you should try to be open to them. You may feel like resisting some techniques but give them a shot and you may find some positive results through trying.

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