Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tips on Your Golf Swing

By Sarah Lee

All golf players start with that perfect grip, and the best set up, with body correctly aligned toward the target. However, as the club is pulled back, most golfers inadvertently grip the club tighter. This causes unwelcome tension throughout the wrists, arms, and shoulders. Very subtle - yet very damaging to the swing!

Also, the recreational golfer has been trained to find that complete shoulder turn at the top of the golf swing: "Back to the target!" Yet, few golfers are flexible enough to actually obtain this necessary position - their shoulders, core, and back simply do not allow it. What do they do? Grip the club still harder (which causes more tension) and force their body into that turn.

Additionally, not too many weekend golf players have the flexibility within their hamstrings to maintain the best posture during the golf swing. Tightness in the legs forces the golfer to rise up slightly (or a lot!).

That pristine position at the start of the swing has now become contorted, out-of-alignment, and rigid. Yet, the weekend golf player still expects to bring the club face back down along the right target line and inside a position square to the ball. Virtually impossible!

Much has been made about professional golfers spending time in the weight room, or in the training trailer while out on tour. What not a lot of folks realize is that plenty of professionals spend a lot more time on stretching and flexibility than they do on strengthening. Hmmm... Maybe they know something.

And, for many weekend golfers, the core muscles are as overlooked as flexibility. The core muscles (the muscles of the abdominals, mid-section, and lower back) are at the foundation for all movements in the golf swing. It is vital to possess a strong, flexible core if one is to rotate appropriately, with controlled power from the backswing to the follow through.

Body Bar FLEX� is an inexpensive, and extremely effective, tool for gaining this much-needed flexibility. Simple drills, performed several times per week, will improve any golfer's flexibility and range of motion. The lightweight bar can even be carried in the golf bag, and used for stretching immediately before, during, and after the round.

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