Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Straighter Drives And Their Energy Source

By Tony Tolliver

Hitting longer and straighter drives will make for a much more enjoyable round of golf. Let's explore a number of procedures that can help you reach your goal of better driving distance and accuracy.

There are good reasons why amateurs spend so much time concentrating on hitting longer and straighter drives. Its pretty basic when you stop and think about it. When you drive the ball farther, you are closer to the green. Most of us do better hitting approach shots with a seven or eight iron in our hand than we do with say a four or five iron. Along with that comes accuracy. If you can keep the ball in play without throwing away strokes due to wayward hooks and slices, the better your score will be.

The combination of mastering both distance and accuracy for longer and straighter drives starts in the address position. You need to feel somewhat crouched at address with your feet lined up with your shoulders both distance wise and down the target line. Bend those knees a little bit. If you played baseball, picture yourself getting ready to field a ground ball.

Now, we need power. That comes, not from the arms, but from your abdominal muscles which unwind and lead the way. Think of a rubber band on one of those old time model airplane propellers. Wind it up and let it go! Remember the knee flex? Don't overlook its significance in this technique. The textbook feet and shoulder placements will only go so far in completing a trusted swing. As part of your addressing the ball procedure, you will also need to make sure that the ball is forward in your stance. In general, the ball will be left of center when you address it. That means it will be closer to your front foot than the back. This will give you the best chance for a clean bang and give the ball the textbook lift and direction.

One swing fact that is often overlooked is how does the backswing initiate? Do the shoulders, hips, torso or hands kick things off? The one and only answer to this question is - the hips. Don't let your hands lead the way. If you already start your swing with the hips, then you are golden! Think about the hips being the "star of the show." All attention is focused on them as they play the leading role. At the top of the backswing, the hip turn is also the first to reverse course and unwind as you are coming down. So remember, the hips are the first to move away in the backswing and forward coming into the downswing. Then the hands and then the rest of the body, in that order. Until you are able to get the hang of the role of the hips in the golf swing, you won't gain maximum distance with your driver.

Now that you have the distance, what about accuracy? Straighter drives come from the position of the hands when you meet the ball. They usually need to be behind the club head. Timing your hands so that they are even with the club head or a little behind it at impact will counteract a potential hook or slice on the ball. If you normally observe your ball hooking or slicing, take a good look at your grip. If it is too strong or weak, the club face has a hard time getting square as it strikes the ball. What we are looking for from here is a neutral grip; this will prevent the club face shift into the shot.

In order to understand the swing which will systematically bring about straighter drives, an amateur needs to be square at address. Some shots call for a more open or closed stance in which you would position your forward foot closer to the target or to the ball. But, it is often said that keeping both feet in a straight line to the target works best. This procedure is the same for your hips and shoulders. Setting up your body so that you are square with your target, you will be well on your way to accurate golf shots.

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