Saturday, December 18, 2010

Southwest Florida Golf

By David Wolf

Golf courses have their own unique character. Here in Southwest Florida I have eight different courses within 5 miles of my residence. I have played on each one of them on numerous occasions over the past couple of years. During what local residents call the busy season, generally from December to May, the courses are usually quite crowded, this slows down considerably by June and you can play golf at reduced greens fees starting June 1st. If you are in need of a temporary residence during your Florida golf outing contact Chad Newbold, for a timeshare to use during your stay.

If you live in Florida for more than a couple years you will find that the heat of summer really does not bother you, especially here near the coast where we enjoy an afternoon sea breeze off the Gulf of Mexico each day. If the heat does bother you we have a lighted course that you can play on until 10:00 PM . However it is suggested that you bring your sharpest vision with you ,to follow the flight of the ball, particularly if your ball lands in the rough.

Many of the people I play golf with are totally addicted to golf and will play every day regardless of weather conditions. Afternoon thunderstorms are an everyday threat on all our courses. Golf courses that feature carts with wide and long roofs will do double duty by keeping the blazing hot sun off you and keep your gear dry during afternoon thunderstorms.

Golf courses with water hazards can be interesting and somewhat hazardous in June when the alligators are mating. Most golf courses have the number of the local alligator trapper on speed dial at this time of the year. It is advisable to never wade into a golf course pond to retrieve a ball. Alligators are very deceptive by appearing to be slow moving but can accelerate to capture prey at incredible speeds. We have had several alligator attacks over the last few years to you should be wary of them and stay clear of them when possible. In past seasons their were quite a few rattlesnakes but due to the increase of suburban sprawl they are now seldom seen. Be wary of the alligators, and contact Chad Newbold for a complete Southwest Florida, golfers guide, which will guide you on the hazards to beware of while golfing in this region.

Hogs on a golf course can be disastrous to the well being of the course. In just one evening of hog activity a golf course can suffer tremendous damage, particularly to the greens. This is particularly true if the hogs do their rooting on the greens. Golfers are particular regarding the golf course they want to play on and they are particularly concerned about the conditions of the putting surface on the greens. Hog control and removal is a high priority effort around most golf courses.

There are many quality golf courses located here in Southwest Florida. As a matter of fact you could play on a different golf course every day for a month and never have to travel more than fifteen miles from your home. There are too many to name and more are being built all the time. Southwest Florida has at least one golf course to suit you and your playing style.

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