Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to Get the Right Distance With Your Golf Clubs

By Mary Landry

A lot of beginners to the golf game usually struggle with locating the proper distance with their clubs. Rather than doing something about it to improve, it's not uncommon for people to purchase new clubs in the hopes of getting the distance they want. This is usually a fruitless attempt since there are little adjustments and golf swing drills that could be practiced to hitting better golf shots.

Learning the baseline for every golf club is important as a beginning point and driving ranges are a good way of getting a great idea of distance. Be sure there is a good marketing system in place with 50 yard increments so you can accurately gauge how far your balls are hit. Once you warm up and feel comfortable, it is time to go through drills to work on distance.

Begin with a full wedge and go on to it the ball as far as you possibly can. Hit five balls in a row and estimate your average distance in yards. While doing so, be sure to be consistent with your swings while also taking accuracy into consideration. Once this is completed, it is time to move on to the next drill.

Then with your 9 iron, go on to do the same thing while taking down notes of the average distance in yards. Then do this with your 8 iron and all the way down to your longest iron. This exercise is extremely effective in engaging the average distance for each club and getting more acquainted. With this knowledge, you can accurately determine what club to use in varying yardage circumstances.

Even for those players with rudimentary skills, these drills definitely aren't very tough to do. Getting averages will allow you to determine the differences in the distance for each golf club. Be sure to take advantage of these differences to improve your game.

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