Saturday, December 11, 2010

Basic Golfing Tips for Beginners: 2

By Owen Jones

What Should You Keep in Your Golf Bag?

There are many golf bags available; some are designed for fashion, some for utility and some that combine both features. There are big bags, bigger bags and bags so big that they would keep everything I need for a long week-end vacation in one of the side pockets!

Generally speaking, you need a bag which is just large enough to hold your clubs, extra balls, your glove, tees, car keys, extra pencils, ball markers, a ball retriever, sunscreen, a windbreaker and a large umbrella.

You could also include other items that are handy when outdoors, such as tissues, a small first-aid kit or at least some plasters and some anti-insect spray.

A small pack of wipes can be just what you need too if it gets hot or you get covered with sand in one of the bunkers or you have to fish your ball out of a stream.

If you suffer from any allergies or illnesses, it is a wise precaution to carry antidotes with you. For example, if you are sensitive to bee stings then anti-hystamine or whatever you take if you are a diabetic. However, remember to replace drugs before their expiry date.

Please remember to turn off your mobile phone before you put it away as a courtesy to the other players. No one is going to be best pleased to hear your phone go off just as he is about to take a shot. It is part of golfing etiquette too. If you must use it, walk away from the teams.

Having these items in your golf bag should provide everything you will need, even in a minor emergency (like a blister) or a major inconvenience, like a sudden rainstorm. Being prepared makes the game a great deal more fun.

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