Saturday, November 27, 2010

Poker And Golf Are Two Games That Go Together

By Kimberly Maxinet

Poker and golf are two games that on the surface would appear to be completely random and unrelated. Numerous players of these two games might often disagree as it has been often seen that numerous golfers enjoy and thrive in poker and numerous poker players love the game of golf and are actually extremely great at it. The games of golf and poker have some obvious difference, as golf is a physical sport whereas poker is strictly a cerebral contest you will find a few similarities between the two well-liked pastimes that often overlap.

The poker player and the golfer are both left to their own skill and resources and have no team to fall back on, it is an individual challenge where the goal is to always beat a personal best, be it the size of the bluff or the lowest golf score.Poker and golf are both contests in which the competitor is competing on their own and not as part of team, occasionally there are golf matches that are played in pairs but the sport is still very individualistic. The golfer and the poker player are both left to their own skill and resources and have no team to fall back on, it is an individual challenge where the goal is to always beat a personal best, be it the size of the bluff or the lowest golf score.

These two games are each sports competitions that depend extremely heavily on making the very best decisions in order to play nicely and win. In poker it might be a well-timed bluff or folding a good hand when you are beat. In golf the decision might be club or shot selection in a certain approach position as well as calculations about a risky shot versus a much more conservative one.

The competitions are also each games in which individuals are competing for prizes in tournaments and even gambling for cash occasionally a gentleman's game and occasionally extremely high stakes. Golfers and poker players are each competitors who are willing to bet on their own talents and use skill and guts to compete at the highest levels or in a less serious game just try to beat their friends.

Poker players and golfer are always competing with themselves to get better at their craft. Both are competitions that require a great deal of mental fortitude and toughness in bad times. It is also the temperament of the best players in either sport to keep emotions on an even keel in either the best or worst of times. The next time you are on the golf course or at the poker table don't be surprised if you are competing against some of the same people, competitive and tough players.

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