Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Improve Your Golf Slice For Better Golf Games

By Harry Constantine

A perfect golf swing and slice will be damaging and remarkably frustrating to a golfer. There are several factors that may cause one to slice the golf ball. If you will find you slice the ball poorly most of the time then you will need to remedy it. In order to improve your overall game and add distance on your shots.

Just imagine just how far the golf ball can go if you could only straighten out that shot. A golf slice takes place when your club is open upon impact of the club and relative to the path of the club head. One wayward left hand is one of the common factors that can cause you slicing the golf ball far to the right. This happens more often than you may think. When one bad left hand happens, the back of the left hand could be aligned to the right of the ball and the club face will be open. This usually causes a slice to happen.

Golf swing guru encourages to repair a wayward left hand is to focus on the back of your hand. The back of the hand needs to be facing the target at impact. You should at least think of the back of your hand is facing the target. This will allow you to have a strong grip for that shot so that your hand doesn't slip.

It is very important to square your left hand, any of the best ways to do this is by exercising while not using a club at all. Then you will stand with the right arm on one side your body and swivel your left forearm. And then you will bend your left wrist and swing backside. As a way to ensure your hand is square practice your swing over and over again without a club in your hand.

The poor grip is a very common factor and source of the poor left hand causing the ball to slice far one way, typically the right. The weak grip leads to you to turn your hands too much to the left in swing. You might have a square back hand and realize that you were still slicing the ball. This can be common for golfers who have a very weak grip.

Fixing a slice in the golf game will make the big difference to the score at the end of your round. Not only will you develop serious distance with the shot but you will have hit one straight golf ball. This means you won't have to hit that ball again just to save it right from the sand or rough either.

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