Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Fix That Golf Hook

By Tony Tolliver

The main focus here is getting the kinks out of your golf hook. But, on the bright side, at least you don't slice the ball which is a lot more difficult to fix. To be honest, a golf hook is not on a natural swing plane, so we have to get you to that "natural" state. Through our research, we have come up with what we believe are the best ways to kill that "duck hook" once and for all. So let's go to work and wipe out the dreaded hook - now.

Its All In the Way the Ball Rotates Off the Tee

Whenever you notice a golf hook, what you are looking at is a counter-clockwise rotation on the ball. Slowing down the revolutions on the ball will allow it to fly off where you want it to go. Looking at the club face is where we'll begin. The problem occurs when the face of the club meets the ball and is too closed. We must center on getting the face "square" when it makes contact with the ball.

It Starts With The Grip

Ask any club pro about the hook shot and he's likely to ask you to show him the way you are handling the club. Here's the clear cut way to see where you are:

With a club in hand, approach the ball as you normally would. For right-handed golfers, you're interested in the position of your left hand on the club. Here's the important part. Count how many knuckles you can see on your left hand. Two is the primary goal. When three or four knuckles are showing, you can take corrective action to change it.

Now, the face of the club in this position will tell you a lot. Is it "closed" or is it "square?" Now, back to the knuckles...if you only see two, then it should be. You're not there quite yet. You still have to swing the club. Your wrists might move out of position when you swing the club. Try a slow-motion swing and center on getting it right where it needs to be at the ball. If it doesn't feel right you'll have to keep practicing until it does. You should be honest with yourself in order to better your game. Lock this new grip into your memory bank.

Balance Is Key Throughout The Swing

If your grip is sound, that's excellent! You now know where the problem isn't, right? We now pay attention to how well you stay balanced in your swing. Your weight is NOT distributed evenly at your feet. If you catch your weight evenly distributed or back on your heels, it will cause obstacles in the process. This leads to a smooth turn and keeps everything in line throughout the entire swing. If your balance is off at impact, you will undoubtedly hook the golf ball.

Straight Arm-ed

The straighter the left arm, the straighter the shot will be, and the less likely the end result will be a golf hook. But remember, a straight arm doesn't mean a "stiff" arm. To see if it is, allow a golf buddy to look at you while you take a few normal swings. No more flying elbow ("chicken wing") in your swing!

The information above has been painstakingly researched and has been found to work miracles in curing a golf hook. The time is now to look for the solution. Remember, make minor corrections at a time on the driving range and you'll be seeing the ball fly straight down the fairway in no time!

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