Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Five Interesting Tidbits About Golf That May Improve Your Game

By Danielle Russell

Are you seeing the same decrease in your handicap that reflects your hard work and efforts? Do you consistently fall short on your drives or feel exhausted at the end of 18 holes? Do you carry the disappointment of a missed putt over into the next hole? Here's some good news - you don't need to go through these problems forever, as you can easily give your golf game a shot in the arm. Change your golf game for the better by focusing on the following five areas: flexibility, strength, endurance, nutrition, and mental toughness.


Is your golfing swing awkward due to the fact that you may be rushing things too much and being too eager-beaver in your actions? Be proactive when getting your muscles ready for the game - don't wait till the last minute to stretch. Avoid that stiff and awkward feeling with regular stretching. As a result, you could gain more flexibility. You only need a small investment of your time in order to see significant gains in your range of motion.

The Use Of Strength Training

When exercising away from the golf course, is strength training part of your routine? A lot of golfers make the mistake of hitting the ball as hard as they could when swinging their club. Beware, though, of the side effects of this practice. Swinging the golf club is an unnatural action, and forcing your body to do this repeatedly could cause injury. Increasing strength will enable your body to tackle the demands of the golf swing and prepare it for the action ahead.

How To Boost Endurance

Do you start gasping for breath or lose your focus by the sixth hole? You may need to improve your endurance if this is how you feel. Golf may not immediately look like a sport that requires a high amount of fitness and endurance. However, golfers that walk the course can walk nearly five miles over the course of 18 holes. Try to work in 20-45 minutes, 3-5 days per week of cardiovascular activity.

Nutrition Matters A Lot

Your body needs the proper fuel to work efficiently. And of course you wouldn't want to nosh on junk food before the game. What exactly is the proper sports diet? Athletes in any sport need to include the following foods - carbohydrates, white meat, fruits, green vegetables and at least eight glasses of water.

Mental Toughness

Does missing a putt discourage you when you move on to the next hole and get ready to tee off? Remember the quicksand concept - one negative thought will lead to one negative result after another. How you perceive the situation affects each shot. One way to increase your mental toughness is not to relive missed shots. It's all about positive visualization - always condition yourself to thinking you can make the next shot.

These are five things to take note of if you wish to see positive results in your game. It will take some time to make these activities a habit, but will be well worth the effort.

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