Saturday, October 30, 2010

Understanding The Biomechanics Of Golf - Your Key To A Lower Golf Score

By John A. Flogg

Have you ever thought about how your body movement affects your swing? Has it ever occurred to you that every muscle in your body contributes to how far the ball would fly through the air? Well, this is what the biomechanics of golf is all about, and it plays an important role in helping you achieve that low golf score that you have been longing for.

Biomechanics of golf is the movement that your body makes as you swing a club, You might be asking how important this is to your game. Well, you might not know it but this plays a very crucial role in leading you to victory.

Actually, understanding the principles underlying how the muscles coordinate would help you produce the right amount of force that you need just to get the ball on the area where you want it to be. Once you can do this, you will also be able to make successful swings repetitively.

It is undeniable that so many golfers are able to send the ball flying to the green in just one swing, with some actually getting a hole-in-one, but are no longer able to repeat it. However, once you learn the biomechanics of golf, you can make repetitive swings that will bring you closer to a lower score.

You would also be able to achieve a lower handicap. This has been among the problems of golfers, which can actually be eliminated once you learn the biomechanics of golf.

You might also be surprised that after being stuck on a certain handicap for months or years, you were finally able to improve your game and got a better score, all simply because you were able to apply the principles of the biomechanics of golf.

The greatest thing of it all is that you would simply keep on getting better. You will just keep on adding to your present skills and become better in your game.

So now you see how the biomechanics of golf can give you a better golf score. All you need to do is to understand and learn it, and you will be on your way to having a nice round of golf. Who knows? You might get the best score!

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