Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Cure Your Golf Slice

By Kevin Bradshaw

I think we all love simply being out on the golf course and playing a round with friends. Do you ever find, though, that you don't enjoy golf quite as much as you could, simply because you don't ever play as well as you'd like? For years, I was always the worst player out of my group of friends, largely because of a terrible slice.

If you want to cure a golf slice, then, for the time being, I'd ask you to disregard everything you've been told or taught. Curing a golf slice is relatively simple, and almost everything you've heard has probably just overcomplicated things for you.

So, answer this one question for me: do you actually have a slicing problem? First of all, don't just assume that you have a slice if your ball goes right a lot. A slice IS when your ball curves to the rightwhile in the air. If your ball simply goes right at impact, then you have a different problem (although still a problem). This latter problem is caused by having your club-face too open when you hit the ball, and this problem is ironically harder to fix. If your ball curves to the right, then congratulations! The secret cure: your follow-through! Perhaps you need to hear it a second time: A proper follow-through will solve your slicing nightmares.

Once you're done with a golfswing, where are your hands? Presumably, the upper half of your body is pointed in the direction of your intended target.). While in this position, take a moment to observe the position of your hands. Are they to the left of your target or to the right? You probably answered "left" but the correct answer should be "right".

The easiest and most effective way to cure your golf slice is to make sure, on every follow through, that your hands finish to the right of your target. Where you end your swing makes a huge difference in the plane of your swing, and consequently in whether or not you slice or hook the ball.

Each time you hit the ball, concentrate only on ending the swing with your hands farther to the right than they were on the previous swing. With this one simple tip, I assure you that you'll see the most amazing results in your ability to hit straighter and longer.

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