Saturday, October 9, 2010

Golf Swing Depression? Here Are 3 Solid Tips To Make Them Better

By Ashley Hendrix

If you enjoy the game of golf, then you are probably always on the lookout for ways to improve your golf swing. The same is true for professional players because they're constantly working on their swings, form, putting, driving, and on and on. Luckily there are all sorts of things that you can do to make sure that your swing is good. You hopefully already have realized that there is a great deal more involved than hitting the ball with as much power as possible. You can also work effectively to bring your accuracy into more control, as well. The rest of this article is all about making your golf swing the envy of your local golf course.

Always avoid swinging too fast - danger there. Too fast of a swing tends to be more of newbie golfer mistake, though. Those who are experts suggest a little pause when you're at the top of your fabulous swing. You're not going for drama, so no need to make it very long. There needs to be rhythm in your swing, so the pause is just a very brief moment. There is a transition period in your swing when you pass from swinging back to forward, so if there is no pause then you'll lose all control over the swing.

You'll want to maintain body weight on the inside of the right foot. That is something you need to keep in mind especially when you're first learning how to play. So what you'll do is sort of 'rest' on the right knee so you'll have a better chance of generating more natural power. You must focus on putting weight on your right knee so you will have more control and power. As you can imagine, it's really important to have the ability to be steady. Your right leg needs to be like a tree trunk, but not rigid of course.

Learn to use the muscles in your legs and the trunk of your body to power your swing. The power of your swing does not come from the muscles in your arms. This is a very common "rookie" mistake. In fact, hitting the ball using only your arms and wrists is a good way to hurt yourself. So remember that swing strength and power comes from your entire body and specifically your legs and body trunk. You'll be better able to keep the proper stance. It protects your arms and wrists. Plus, you can eventually develop the power you want in those long drives that people stop and watch.

Golf is a great game, and a lot of people enjoy going golfing when they have free time. But one thing to keep in mind is that getting better takes patience and dedication. And that applies especially with your golf swing. Millions of golfers make progress with their golf swings all the time, and it's something you can do, as well.

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