Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fix Trouble With Your Golf Swing

By Bill Castle

Are you a golf player that has noticed your golf swing has suddenly gone bad? Are you noticing a loss of power and distance?

A natural good golf swing is made up of a lot of parts, all of which, when properly executed, turn this seemingly complicated action into a fluid and powerful swing.

I definitely struggled with improving my swing for a number of years, always trying to find that one secret ingredient that would make it easily work.This was not all wasted effort however, because I did learn to perform most of the fundamental parts of a correct golf swing perfectly...But I still needed that secret.

So now you are asking, well what is the secret ingredient?

The most vital basic part of an effective golf swing, the glue that holds it all together to create the most power and distance that your body type can generate is swing tempo. Swing tempo is also one of the hardest aspects to teach

Tempo is extremely much related with your natural body timing, if you move fast and talk fast, your natural tempo will be fast, if you move slower and talk slower your tempo will be slower. This is neither good or bad, just different for different people.

Tour players and top amateurs have slightly different swing speeds, however they almost all have exactly the same tempo ratio of 3 to 1, 3 counts to the top of the backswing, 1 count down to impact. This is really an amazing statistic, it seems as if they all create a good portion of their golf swing speed and golf swing balance in the same way.

Your assignment then, is to discover an effective tutor who will show you the golf swing drills you have to learn swing tempo, do this and your swing will evolve into a thing of beauty and you will finally have the golf swing you have always wanted.

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