Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Best Methods For Improving Your Golf Swing

By Louise Valdez

Golf is great pastime activity. Golfing is enjoyed by people of all ages. The whole family sometimes gets into the game when parents get clubs for their children. Even people who think the game is boring can grow to love the game.

Many may joke about golf being a "good walk spoiled" others consider it the game to end all games. Golf is a favorite sport renowned the world over. Despite the fact that it originated in the UK, golf is popular in most if not all countries. This is a sport played by all ages. If you're a fan of the game then you are probably always on the lookout for ways to improve your golf swing. You might even find professionals looking for improvement techniques. Read the remainder of this article for some of the best methods for improving your golf swing.

You will need to keep your movements smooth throughout your whole swing. Many new golfers use a swing that can be best described as a violent slice. They break their swing down into multiple parts. Think of the entire swing as a single musical motion to help improve it. Your back swing could be compared to the opening notes, your fore swing would be the middle notes, and the follow through would be the conclusion. If you only use raw strength for your shots, they will go wild and you will have no control or accuracy. You'll begin to see improvement when you approach your swing in a smooth and lazy manner.

You will also need to learn how to properly shift your weight throughout the different parts of the swing. You need to shift your weight through the swing even though your right knee is your grounding point. Doing this properly will guarantee that you get the most distance and accuracy possible. This isn't as simple as putting weight on first one foot and then the other. To get personal advice on how to stand and shift during your swing, you should talk to a golf pro at your local course.

During backswing your left knee should be toward your target. It is most likely that you will feel a bit of muscle tension not to mention a much more stable position in both knees. Doing this gets you into a proper stance and reduces the body turn many golfers experience during follow through. The best way to practice this is to try holding a basketball between your knees when you swing (or at least imagine that you need to keep one there). This will show you how your left knee needs to be pointed and the type of tension and strength that you will need to draw upon.

Your right hand needs to now be in the hitchhiker position for backswings. That is to say when your hands are at waist height you should see your thumb pointed toward the stars if you are in the right position. The left hand needs to be in a handshake position during backswing. Straight out with the palm to the right. This will help you improve your golf swing from the backswing all the way through your follow through.

Golf is a great game, and a lot of people enjoy going golfing when they have free time. If you want to improve your game, then just commit yourself to it because it does require patience and time. Improving your golf swing can be accomplished, of course, but it will take time. Also, work on your mental game and just get to a place where you have hope and belief in an improved golf swing.

There are so many different strategies with golf. One of the most important, though, is to really just have fun with it. Do the best you can always, and keep working to improve your swing and your game. Working on your swing is something that every golfer should do. The tips contained in your article should help you with improving golf swings. We hope you found these golf swing tips helpful for improving your swing.

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