Friday, December 23, 2011

Kids Golf Clubs: Because Contact Sports Aren't Fun for Everyone

By Steve Martin

It may have been a hard lesson in life the day your son walked off the football field at age six and said he didn't like getting hit and he hated football. That's a tough thing for a dad to hear. It's an especially tough thing for a dad who loves football to hear. But, all is not lost. Thankfully, your local sports store also sells kids golf clubs, and you may have just stumbled on something wonderful.

As much as a lot of mom and dad never like to confess it, there are a lot of children out there who really just never like contact sports. Some kids never like being filthy and wet, some never like having instructors or teammates who shout. Some kids never get an enjoyment out of taking a hit, and think instead that it really damages and they never like it at all. Most kids never have any problems at all determining that they do or do not like something, it is often the mom and dad who have difficulties.

If your child has decided that contact sports are not going to be in the cards for him, don't give up on sports altogether. Golf is a well respected and extremely worthwhile sport, and your son may be just what the game has been waiting for.

Imagine if Arnold Palmer had selected to endure in a line and get broken down every Exclusive night time instead of training his move. Image Davis Really like III in a golf ball jacket, it just does not fit. Some children are just cut out for golfing, and if you are discovering yourself through your decision or that of your kid on the market to deal with groups then consider yourself fortunate.

Few sports offer the life lessons that are learned in golf. The etiquette and tradition, the sense of honor and dignity, the lesson in history, and in respect for rules and protocol, these are all the pillars at the heart of the game of golf, and any father should be proud to have his son participate in a sport like that.

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