Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How To Find Yellow Golf Balls Online

By Jake Houston

Yellow golf balls were first made available about 20 years ago. Ladies and men golfers, both amateur and professionals began playing them and quickly these yellow balls began to truly catch on.

However, something happened shortly after their introduction and the yellow ball disappeared as quick as it had appeared. That something was the undeniable fact that the manufactures, in their race to get their percentage of the huge growing demand for yellow golf balls, left out one very important ingredient. Quality!

It didn't take very long for the golfing public to realise that, even though it was cool to play the yellow ball, it wasn't cool that handicaps started to soar after playing yellow golf balls. When the manufactures realized what was occuring, it was too late to reverse the negative trend. It was over!

Then in early 2011, the yellow ball was reintroduced and spectators were watching tour pros like Rickie Fowler, Rory Mcllroy, Jim Furyk, Vijay Sing, and others using and winning with this new yellow ball. This time the premiere yellow ball manufactures (Strixon, Pinnacle, Top Flite, etc.) made sure these balls were top of the line in quality and performance.

The jury is still out on the successfulness of the new yellow ball because there are lots of golfers who still remember the negative experience they had the first time around. Nevertheless, there are a few things to remember when trying to decide whether to try the new yellow ball.The golfing business on each level has been especially effected in a negative fashion from the lingering downturn in our economy. The very last thing they want to do is introduce apoor product to their loyal customers at this time. In reality, tested performance stats from the new yellow balls has been extremely good. My guess is we will see more and more colored golf balls in 2012.

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Tips and Techniques for Golf Beginners

By Jason Laner

The golf swing is essentially broken down into two main parts...the back swing and the down swing. Nowadays, particularly due to Hank Haney's greater visibility due to working with Tiger Woods, the swing plane as a fundamental in the golf swing has received significant attention. However, there is widespread disagreement about what it really means. One analyst or teacher may be referring to the plane of the shoulders in relation to the golf ball, while another refers to the swing plane of the golf club. The idea of the swing plane dates back to Ben Hogan's book "Five Fundamentals." In this book is a famous drawing of Hogan with a pane of glass drawn through his shoulders. Hogan indicated that you needed to be sure to swing the golf club under this swing plane.

Every golf course or country club has its own unique spin on the golf dress code. The basic idea is the same everywhere. You need to present a good appearance. This is not just an arbitrary matter of etiquette. Proper golf attire is meant to show respect for the game, other golfers on the course, and most of all, respect for yourself.

Men have a relatively simple dress code: A shirt with a collar and slacks. T-shirts, blue jeans, and cut-offs are not allowed on most courses. The shirt can be a pull-over polo shirt, and it can be long or short-sleeved. Slacks, not denim, are appropriate. Shorts are tolerated provided they are tailored specifically for golf. If you do wear shorts you will need to coordinate them with the color of your socks.

An obvious warning is that golf is a very expensive sport, equipment alone costs a lot, and then you have the venue then the people who would be helping you. Of course after each golf experience of game, your golf clubs would be dirty, that is no surprise given the fact that it has everything to do with connecting to the ground or the soil.

At the top of the golf swing, the wrist of the lead arm should have a similar angle as the clubface. There should be good extension fo the lead arm, and the spine should be titled slightly away from the target. When the shoulders are done turning, the backswing is complete. If the club shaft is parallel to the ground, it should be parallel to the target line. If the club goes past parallel, it will cross the line, but that is ok, it is still on plane.

In cleaning your golf clubs, you do not need to purchase expensive cleaning materials. You can use the stuff that is found inside your home. A liquid detergent, a scrubbing material like toothbrush and of course an old towel to dry the clubs is the things that you actually need to clean them. Although there are golf club cleaning sets available, but these stuff will certainly give the same results without the need of spending much money. It is not a matter of what type of cleaning kits you use, but on how you maintain the cleanliness of the clubs after each golf game.

Finally we need to discuss the shoes. Golf shoes are the most crucial piece of golf attire that you need to buy. They give you the right amount of grip for your golf swing, but they still need to be comfortable for approximately 6,000 yards of walking that you will do during 18 holes of golf. The most important selection consideration is to get clothing that fits your personal style, so you don't feel self-conscious on the course. Take your time and get the style you will feel comfortable with. Make sure to review all the selections available before making your purchase.

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